About Us


Each legislative year, over 5,000 bills are introduced and countless amendments are filed in the Illinois General Assembly. Illinois Right to Life Action reviews each and every one of these bills and amendments, looking for any language that is anti-life as well as any language that can have an impact on the pro-life movement in Illinois. 

With this information, we work tirelessly to defeat dangerous, anti-life legislation, we keep our legislators informed so they can vote pro-life, and we support the implementation of pro-life policies in our state. Each year, Illinois Right to Life Action makes at least 700 contacts with legislators and meets with each of them often four or more times.


Illinois Right to Life Action’s legislative chairman, Ralph Rivera, and assistant legislative chairman, Molly Rumley, are the only full-time, pro-life lobbyists working to defend the right to life in our state capitol. Their work  has stopped a number of pro-abortion and anti-life bills by identifying them early. Through strong, united efforts alongside our members and other grassroots pro-life organizations, we have successfully defeated dangerous legislation posing a threat to human life.

To see a list of some of these bills and learn how they were defeated, click here.





Voter Education

There are numerous legislators in Springfield who would rather do the will of the abortion industry than the will of their constituents. As a result, these legislators have ignored public opinion and passed such unpopular measures as expanded taxpayer funding of abortion, the Reproductive Health Act (which allows abortion throughout all nine months of pregnancy, allows abortion clinics to regulate themselves, an

d much more) and, most recently, the repeal of our Parental Notice of Abortion Law.

The people of Illinois must know which legislators will work to protect the most vulnerable and which are in the pockets of Personal PAC and Planned Parenthood. Through direct mail, digital advertising, public relations, voter guides, and grassroots action, Illinois Right to Life Action is educating the people of Illinois. If our state is ever to again have a legislature that respects life, Illinois voters must know the truth about their elected officials.

The goal of Illinois Right to Life Action is to promote a culture of life in Illinois by working to transform the political culture in Springfield to one less threatening to life—one more open to protecting the most vulnerable members of our state.